Orville H. Platt High School

For Faculty & Staff

Platt Staff Resources:

Notes for Staff

  • Posting Announcements: If you would like announcements posted on the flat screen in the cafeteria, please contact Mr. Blythe
  • Faculty & Staff Fund: Please consider becoming a member of our Faculty & Staff Fund. Checks are being accepted at this time. $35.00 for the year takes care of so many obligations during the school year! Thank you.
  • Project Excel: Please donate to Project Excel. Donations are accepted all year. Donations can be sent to Project Excel Donations at Platt High School, Attention: Ms. Scarfo

Library Notes

This is just a reminder of the usernames and passwords for our library subscription databases:

  • Grolier Online Encyclopedia:
    Address: go.grolier.com
    Username: platto
    Password: panthers
  • Library Reference Service Database:
    Address: www.lrsdatabase.com
    Username: platto
    Password: panthers
  • United Streaming Video Database:
    Address: www.discoveryeducation.com
    Username and password: Set up your own online or see me for help.

N.B. All three databases are accessible from home for teachers, while the first two are accessible from home for students (teachers can set up assignments for students to access from home for United Streaming).