Orville H. Platt High School

Student Assistance Team

The Platt Student Assistance Team is made up of a group of professionals from various disciplines within the school as well as representatives from community agencies. The team works together to provide early intervention strategies for students who have been identified as exhibiting at-risk behavior(s) that are having a negative impact on school success. The goal of SAT is to prevent the development and/or escalation of at-risk behaviors by addressing both these behaviors and the underlying concerns and causes.

Referrals may be made to the SAT by school personnel, family members, friends, outside agencies or the students themselves. (Referral forms are located in the guidance office or available in a Google Doc). Behaviors of concern may include changes in behavior, school performance and/or attendance issues. Generally, other strategies have been implemented prior to the SAT referral such as phone calls home, meetings with parents and other teachers, and/or consultation with support staff.

Upon assessment of the student’s needs, the team recommends actions that may include academic modifications or assistance, individual or group counseling, mentoring and/or referrals to a variety of outside agencies. SAT encourages parental input and involvement. The SAT also functions to ensure that state laws and school district policies are being followed during the discussion of each student.

The following team members meet every other week and as needed:


  • Rob Beale, Special Education Teacher
  • Margaret Borelli, School Social Worker
  • Jeff Crosson, Social Studies Teacher
  • Michelle Dwyer, School Psychologist
  • Marc Guidone, Director of School Counseling
  • Geoffrey Kenyon, Assistant Principal
  • Tammy Kudla, Community Youth Worker/Youth Services Bureau
  • Jennifer Melnik, School Counselor
  • Kristin Mona, School Counselor
  • Marisa LaPlante, 9th Grade Transition Specialist
  • Sheena Ojeda, School Counselor
  • Brian Frederick, School Counselor

Student Assistance Team Teacher Q & A

When should a teacher refer a student to the Student Assistance Team?
When grades, behavior, and/or attendance are suffering. Teachers should have interventions in place before the referral.  

For how long should the intervention be put in place?
It depends on the situation. If there are dramatic changes in the student demeanor, attendance, or behavior a referral should be done. When in doubt notify guidance, administration or one of the SAT team members above.

When should I attend a SAT meeting?
It is very important for the referring teacher to attend the SAT meeting. Also, if you have a student that has been reported you should do your best to be at the meeting.

How important is it for ALL the student's teachers to fill out the SAT report?
All classroom teachers need to fill out this important report. The SAT members need this report for responding appropriately to the referral.

Can I join the SAT Team?
If you are interested in joining the SAT Team or observing a SAT team meeting, please contact for more information.

If you have any other questions or concerns please contact us.

Need to Make a Referral?

Teacher Referral Form

Completed forms should be given to Marc Guidone in the School Counseling Office.