Lessons & Activities
Throughout the year, the school counseling department is involved with academic, personal/social, and post-secondary activities that are developmentally appropriate for students. Listed below are ones that may be used for each grade.
Grade 9
- Classroom Activity: Introduction to Naviance (including the Career Key Assessment)
- Classroom Activity: Career Jeopardy!
- Classroom Activity: What is a High School Transcript?
- Academic Planning
Grade 10
- Classroom Activity: Naviance Personality/Career Assessment
- Classroom Activity: College Bingo & Virtual College Visits
- Academic Planning
Grade 11
- Classroom Activity: College Match
- Small Group Meetings for Post-High School Planning
- Individual Academic and Post-High School Planning Meetings
Grade 12
- Small Group Meetings for Continued Post-High School Planning
- Individual Meetings
- Classroom Activity: Senior Survey